Off the Throne: Century Old Mechanism is Wrong
It is a great as well as a trembling moment when something that has been established for over a century is proven wrong. One such instance occurred in 1919, when Eddington's team verified General Theory of Relativity against Newton's Gravitation, literally disproving him over Einstein. This time, it may not be as legendary as overthrowing Gravity, but we are shocked to discover what we have been doing as a valid reaction mechanism is completely wrong. Jakob Meisenheimer published his famous paper " About Aromatic Nitro body Reactions " in 1902. And since then, over the past century, research has culminated in what is now known as Aromatic Nucleophilic Substitution , where nucleophilic substitution takes place at electron-poor aromatic rings. This is already of great interest because nucleophilic substitutions do not occur at vinylic and phenylic positions as the corresponding transition states or the carbocation intermediates are very high in energy. Th...